Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm going to...

Change a new pair of spectacles! The last one was actually okay, until Hwei sat on it. The screws could not handle the burden so they gave way and one half of the thingy connecting the specs to the face broke. Here's a picture of it.

A victim of pressure.

I have something to tell you sis: See you in court!

Proof wrapped up and good to go!

I shall call this case the "Pressured Spectacles" case.

Monday, December 29, 2008

My sisters...

Are on the way to KL as we speak. Maybe reach already. I must say the amount of things they packed were like packing for the entire family. They were like preparing for war more than university!

They even brought mattress for camping out at night during war.

And to think they cramped it all inside the small Kelisa!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It seems...

I have a follower. At first, I was excited.

Then, when I found out it was my sister, I went dot, dot, dot.

Good post? If it is, Follow Me! It's much better than other shampoo brands!!

I see a new dawn of era in lameness....
And I'm still there as the ruler.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas is near and.....


Why is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer's nose red?


It's winter and he has flu.

Enjoy your Christmas and do remember the real reason why we celebrate it; Celebrating the birth of someone important, not Santa Claus and a reindeer with flu.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Random stuff

My ulcers are healed! But there's a new one now, so it's still kinda painful when eating and brushing teeth. Temptation to brush only once a day is especially strong now. Personally, I thought camp was alright, since it was my first camp to actually write down notes, but I kinda dozed off on the 3rd day too so it wasn't so good..... Anyway, that's about all, for the youths handling the kids on the Kids Christmas Party thingy, all the best and be patient alright?