Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Shaun, What hair to cut?"

When my sister asked me this, I thought,

"Hmm, Commando hairstyle maybe? Or what about bald, or go wild with mohawk?"

And then I remembered, it's my sister.

And I sighed.

I don't know any female hairstyle la.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

"You Know About My Parents Right?"

I hesitated to answer. I kind of gathered that somewhere something was wrong because my friend always spoke about her mom only.

Err... Not really. I'm kinda shy in asking you about this actually.

Oh, my parents were living separately for quite some time. Then they divorced.

How long did they live separately again?

11 years. (Which makes her 8 at that time)

And when did your parents divorce again?

Last year.

That for me, was hard to swallow. And I'm not even the one having to bear it. The divorce happened as recent as last year, and yet she showed no signs of it.

I'm sorry about what happened.

It's alright, I've learned to live through it.

Divorce isn't a thing that should happen. Yeah, you may have done well living through the pain, but the whole point is that nobody should be put through that pain in the first place.

Love of a father.

Care of a father.


These are things everyone is entitled to experience. And yet, my friend lacks it.

Living through it is brave, but if only there weren't such a thing as divorce, then she wouldn't have to live through it but to enjoy it.

Is it really that hard to stay together until "death do us part"?

My teacher said,

"Only when your wife breathes her last in your arms, can you truly say, 'This is my wife'."

Shouldn't we then, live like today would be our loved one's last and treasure them dearly instead of signing some documents?