Monday, June 6, 2011

The Constant Variable

Life changes a lot as you grow older. New responsibilities come in and are often heavier than the previous ones, new worries, new headaches, and then pimples and wrinkles.

When I was a toddler, all I worried about was getting a new toy and milk. Ken seems to be at this stage still, hmmm.

When I was 7, I worried about getting up early on Saturdays to watch Dragon Ball Z at 8 a.m. Still a mystery why TV2 had to put it so early.

When I was 13, I didn't have my first love. Instead, I worried about Manchester United winning the Premier League and God.

When I was 17, I worried about how useful I am in God's work. Oh ya, there was SPM too... Nah, not as much.

When I was 19, WRONG! I am 19! I worry about my future, Manchester United winning the Champions' League (Which they loss and caused a waterfall of tears), and pleasing God in every way.

Petty stuff like watching a cartoon show or little toys matter little now. It's just like how we put away clothes that don't fit us anymore and wear clothes that fit.

Considering the fact that Manchester United is a mature thing, it's safe to say I matured when I was 13. Whee!

Anyway, my point is that things just get bigger and bigger from here on out. Looking at my elder sisters, the things they go through can get quite stressful as compared to my 'big worries'(MU is an exclusion). But the one thing I'm glad is The Constant Variable, God.

Sure, my perception of how much He loves me might change sometimes, but the truth remains that God is constant all the time. In a world of uncertainty, it's nice to have a certainty which is true to hold on too. And for that, I'm thankful. I'll manage through uncertainties.


hwei said...

I must be quite mature also, since my name is Manchester. =P

saun said...

ahaha u only got the name when ur 20. :P