Friday, May 9, 2008

The Chosen One

It was a usual day in GBS, the walking to school (not literally from the hill of course), prayer meeting at teacher's room, lining up, and hearing Mr. Siew's lovely voice. He was scolding most of the monitors for not sitting in front and normally this would be the time where everyone shuts down. But he said a line which, I must say, was quite profound. Too profound for him in that matter, maybe he took it from a book. Anyway, he said something like this:

"You are monitors for a reason. I did not choose you, God did. Out of all the people in the world, you are the one sitting up front!"

Then he became himself again and continued his rant. But my mind was still pondering about his previous line. It sounds familiar. Wait, it is. I am a Christian, chosen by God, for a reason. Out of all the people in the world, I am one of the few being up front being the ambassador of God. There's this sentence that Hwei puts up on her MSN that came from this Indian speaker who talked about The Old Testament. Don't really know how to spell his name, so sorry! Anyway, the sentence is:

"We are ambassadors of Christ, live with that dignity."

Something like that. An ambassador is someone who represents his country and stays in another country. So whatever he does does reflect on his country, or some sort. Now, as a Christian, I do admit, that sometimes my behaviour does not reflect in God in a good way and I tend to be one who doesn't do anything, or simply not being up front. But the line coming from an unexpected person came as a knock on my head. Guess God works in miraculous ways. Nevertheless, I shall take it as my duty to go up front, share the gospel, and be a good ambassador of Christ. Yes, there may be troubles up ahead, but the thought of knowing someone is behind me and people beside me (that's you!) to help carry me when I stumble, push me when I need it is a comforting thought. I .... am the chosen one.

For which I am an ambassador in bonds that therein, I may speak boldly, as ought to speak.
Ephesians 6:20

Guess this post is a -1.0 shaun. A new measurement for seriousness?


mau said...

ahhhh.... sorry... bout the council does not accept negative as a shaun-ness value... there's always 'shaun' only.... muahahaha...
ugh... wat am i crapping? sleepy siot.. > " <

saun said...

hehe....i'm the council.