Saturday, June 28, 2008

My 2nd tag

Credit goes to Jien Lee for tagging me.. "Thanks" a lot!

1. What do you want the most now?
Knowledge! Heh... I sound so nerd!

2. Who is the person you trust the most?
God, but don't think He is considered human... so family it is.

3. Are you in love?
Ya.... having lots of it.

4. If you have a dream come true...
It would be the day Jien Lee runs around the school field without his pants. Not hoping for my dream to come true now eh?

5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
Technically yes. But then don't see it all the time after a rain.

6. What's your goal for this year?
Being closer to God.

7. Do you believe in eternity?

8. Have you ever broken a person's heart that he/she wanted to commit suicide?
Nah. But I did break a person's heart that he/she wanted me to commit suicide.

9. What feeling do you love the most?
When you know you don't have to wake up early on Monday for school.

10. What are the requirements for the other half?
Must be a girl.

11. What kind of feeling do you hate the most?
When you know you have to wake up early on Monday for school.

12. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?

13. What do you want to do in the future?
Not really sure. Historian? Haha...

14. What is the most important thing in your life?

15. How did you feel last night?

16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
God and family.

17. When do you think the world will end?
The 2nd coming of God!

18. The world ends tomorrow. What will you do?
Go online to check if the reports are true. If it is, call some of my closer friends to ask them to believe in God, and then pray... and maybe play PS2 a while.

19. What do you think of the person that tagged you?
A responsible CF president (though he might disagree) and smart person (though he might disagree) and faithful too.

20. What do you want to know right now?
My handphone brand.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Shucks! 3 people are leaving MGC this week! It is none other than Zheng, Daniel, and sis. Without a doubt, they are one of the closest church members to me and the few childhood friends that always played with me although the age gap was like 4-5 years difference. We played a lot of games such as Black Knight, White Knight, wrestling and stuff. I still recall Daniel calling me a girl because I wanted to be with sis! But hey, soft feelings dude! Was the 1st to teach me play football and instill a love-MU and hate-Arsenal thing. Taught me a lot of things, good and bad, but I think(hope) the good outweigh the bad though!

Ah Zheng, believe it or not, he used to wrestle as well. As the older one, he always let me win by a landslide and even celebrated with me. Although after he left to study in Singapore, when he came back, it was still fun chatting with him and there were no barriers or anything. I do hope that you'll come back soon again though! And come back only after you buy that keychain!

Ahh, my sister. Well, to be honest, I only remembered all the fightings we had when we were kids. I'm sorry for being such a brat last time, I'm a copycat, so I copy what the older ones display :P Anyway, I feel we've grown a lot closer over the years, and thanks for all the patience you had for me!

Well, that's about all. I could write more, but nah.. Wouldn't want you guys to miss your orientation/work and only remember me for the bad that I've done. As a friend, I'm sorry for all the wrongs that I've done and do hope all of you would succeed in being a hotel manager/ pharmacist/ lawyer! As a brother, may God bless you for all you've contributed to the church and continue to grow in Him. Amen.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Know it's Kinda Late.....

..... But happy birthday. This is a tribute to my blog.

Hey you
I know I'm in the wrong
Time flies
When I'm playing FM
I wake up
Another year is gone
You're one year old

I guess you wanna know
Why I'm near the com
It's been half a day or so
I know it's very late
But Happy Birthday

Yeah yeah whoa
I know you love me
Yeah yeah whoa
I'll go update you
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kinda late
But Happy Birthday

So hard
When you're in the Net
It's lame but I had school exams
I think I'll make the same mistake
On your 2nd year

So now you know
Net, please don't disconnect!
Let me finish this song
I know it's way too late
But Happy Birthday

Yeah yeah whoa
I know you love me
Yeah yeah whoa
I'll go update you
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kinda late
But Happy Birthday

Original song by: The Click Five

My blog is already 1 year and 6 months old.
I didn't notice it until today.
I wrote this at 1.30p.m so the 2nd stanza would be more logical.