Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Am An...


What is an opportunist you might ask. Well, in layman's terms, an opportunist is a person, who, when accidentally falls into the river, says,

"What the heck? Oh well, I'll take a bath anyway!"

And no, I'm not that person who fell into the river! But yeah, I think I am something like that.

Case in point: I was supposed to wipe the windows using old newspapers.

Doing my work so enthusiastically.

But then, being the opportunist that I am, I...

Read the papers too.


Esther said...


Stefienoki said...

aper ni... this one is called distraction... haha

hwei said...

good one, seoks. XD

saun said...

haha noooo. distraction would be using the com beside where i was wiping the windows to blog. oops!