Monday, January 17, 2011

I Was Reading...

Articles about homosexuality. No, I'm not confused, but I was merely helping my friend find some verses that speak about it. And no, my friend is not too. I came across an article where the writer claims that the Bible is actually silent about this issue and that "Most people have not carefully and prayerfully researched the biblical texts often used to condemn God's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children."

He started out quite brightly by giving examples of how much blood was shed due to this misunderstanding of homosexuality. And yeah, the stuff some people did are bad, and God did not mean for them to do what they did. But as I read on, the truth got more and more bent, even bender than Neo could bend the spoon.

Let's just say I'm surprised at how he seems to reconcile the Bible and homosexuality, distorting the straight line of the Word so that it intersects with homosexuality, just like the Supply and Demand graph.

I would not want to comment too much here, lest this blog be super famous for issue-issue hot but partly also because there are just too much to comment. But just to clear things up, as much as I disagree about homosexuality, it's the sin I condemn, not the sinner.

Hmm, if you want to read the article, feel free to message me in private and decide for yourself.

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