Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Doing A...

Research on a famous organization. It's just those folios we do when we're in Form 1, just that this is supposed to be more high class or some sort.

I'm doing a colloquium (Higher class name for folio) for my Pengajian Am, which is the General Paper where you learn about the great Generals of old. Nah, it's about the world, what's currently going on and stuff. Anyway, I was given the responsibility of finding the success this organization brings socially or politically. And surprisingly, the failures far outweigh the success stories, to the extent I'd have to hide the truths for the sake of meeting my goal.

And then, I remembered the Bible. The authors did not need to hide the failures of great people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Samuel, or even the great King David (No, not The Biggest Loser David). By the guiding of the Spirit of God, they were moved to reveal everything, even though their success stories would be stained by even the tiniest failure and cause readers to say 'Eh?'. To put in simpler terms, quoting Geoffrey Chaucer of A Knight's Tale who said this to a couple of men,

"I will eviserate you in fiction. Every pimple, every character flaw. I was naked for a day; you will be naked for eternity."

The Bible doesn't lie, tell half-truths, or hide truths. For whatever good things that were mentioned were really done, and this went along with the bad. And when the Bible doesn't lie or hide anything, it's comforting to know the truth that God loves you and I so much, that He was unwilling to let us go our way, but to build a bridge for us by His only Son, Jesus Christ.

Which pops the question,

Are you willing to use this Bridge?

I know I swayed away from
what I was supposed to do,
but I can't help but to
technologically pen this down.

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