Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sedih aku

I'm sad, disappointed and discouraged. Today is Sunday and we're suppose to have a football ministry. Only me, my sis and aunty Yu Ming turned up for the football thing that was held in Taman Sayang Selasih. It was kinda last minute since I only confirmed it with AYM this morning, but then I was sure most of the youths who had nothing to do or could make it knew about this football ministry today. Don't wanna mention who, let's just take this as a pep talk or something. Don't worry, I won't cry either... not like you could hear me anyway. Continuing, one of the excuses were acceptable... actually there were no excuses at all. I was just brushed aside or given the look that says, "Don't bother me". The acting thing where I'm ignored is somehow starting to seem real already... bahh. Anyway, today's football thingy was still as fun, although it would be more fun if there were more people joining us... our own people. I know only a small group of the youth knows how to play football but then think about Tse Hwei, AYM, Mr and Mrs Chua. You think they know how to play football? It wasn't so much about the game that mattered, but rather the people who were there with us. When only 5 church members turn up for a football ministry, knowing that others more were able to come, would be very disappointing and saddening. At least knowing three or four of the members couldn't make it because they REALLY had SOMETHING to do or were really busy was comforting a little. Heh... among all the times when I went for the ministry, I could clearly say the best time was when Geng Yi, Yen Mei, Yik How, El Sen, me and Hwei were there...excluding the adults. Why? Do you think all of them play very very well? Geng Yi doesn't play like a superstar, Yen Mei doesn't know how to play that well, Yik How plays basketball, El Sen isn't Peter Crouch , Hwei just watches from a distance and cheers for us, and I'm not even close to being a good footballer as well. It was rather the people that was present that day that made it enjoyable.... just like I've mentioned before. Quite a big difference from today's football eh? Just another food for thought for the week: We talked about helping in Children's work today. Are we really committed in doing it since even a football ministry is too tiring to come and help out? Is sitting at home helping the Children's Hour grow? You might say it's none of your concern since I didn't hear a firm "yes" by everyone but then the CH is as important as our youth! The CH is growing, but are we gonna just be contented and leave it there? Anyway, I'm done for today. Thinking of this makes me so frustrated so I'll just leave it in my blog rather than blotting it out in front of everyone. For the record, I AM sad, disappointed and discouraged.

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