Monday, February 9, 2009

It's All A LIE

I discoverd something interesting. Out of the regular MGC bloggers' blogs that I usually read, this is their posts starting from this year;

Me - 5.

Andy - 9.

Adrian - 10.

Chen Li - 13.

Tse Shuen - 15.

Yen Mei - 17.

Tse Hwei - 30!

And they say you'll be very busy when you're in university. For the younger ones, it's a lie. The older you get, the more free you become. The bloggers who have over 10 posts are from university. Don't get fooled. Be careful.

One more thing. Guys naturally tend to talk or type less.


hwei said...

ceh. puit. the more busy you are, the more you blog to get things off your mind. so i'm the busiest. lalala. and you're obviously the freest since you got so much time to go count ppl's posts. bweh. oh btw, this is what liverpool said about your "the dots appear after people read my blog":

"then after that the burung gagak appears."


Shuen said...

It ain't lies. When I'm extremely busy and stressful I become more creative and nonsensical. So ya. Many blog posts = STRESS. Heh. Anyways, Hwei still double me. Blueh.

saun said...

i pun busy leh!