Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh Ya...

By the way, I wanna thank those who prayed for me during my SPM. Even those who sent in an SMS or two to wish me all the best, thanks a bunch!

This is going to be another one of those acknowledgement thingy, so I would to thank my family for their continual nagging when I was procrastinating so that I would study.

Not forgetting some of the teachers whom I felt really really helped me. And also to the creators of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The names of all those turtles helped me gain some 2 marks in the Sejarah paper. The question was on the people who contributed in the Renaissance period and the turtles were named after these guys.

To save the best for last, God! He gave me a good mind to remember stuff and to do those dreadful Biology questions. 'A' or not, I still don't know. Anyway, it's over now and thanks again to those who even thought of me during the exam.

Then again, it's not hard to think of someone awesome like me right?


Shuen said...

Ya you need constant nagging.

saun said...

Yep. And you need to nag constantly.wahahaha