Friday, January 16, 2009

Most People...

Do not know the later part of the story "The Tortoise and the Hare" and of course, the lesson.

They all think it ends after the tortoise wins the race.

It doesn't.

Just to make sure we all have the same version of the story here I'll be retelling it.

The hare was a very fast animal, always doing things fast, and he liked it furious. Some claimed he was so fast, he made a cheetah look like a snail.

The tortoise on the other hand, was a very slow but steady animal. All the animals claimed he was so slow, he made a snail look like a cheetah.

One day, the hare decided to have a race. Of course, the hare led the race but slept when nearing the end of the race and the tortoise managed to crawl past the finishing line. Hare realises his mistake, apologizes and The End.

That's what they all think. Here's the later part of the story.

For the next 99 races between the two, the hare won them all.

Lesson of the story:

The hare is still the fastest. If exam asks you which is faster, don't give tortoise as your answer.


hwei said...

no, the lesson is repent and ye shall be saved. ish.

saun said...

nonono, I believed you got mixed up with the Bible stories

hwei said...

nonono, i didn't get mixed up with the Bible stories. eh your exam asked about the tortoise and the hare ar? lols.

saun said...

nah.. but juz in case for little ones like celine... it's a deceptive world out there