Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Have Become...

Numb towards the whole tips-for-exam thing already. Maybe because percentage doesn't matter anymore in trial exam. I'm even able to laugh it off when someone is able to recite the whole exam paper like he had just taken the exam, when in fact, it was supposed to be the next paper.

I think they don't know trial exam results won't affect SPM at all.

Ahh well.

It was Sejarah paper today. I was probably the few who didn't know the questions for Sejarah. I knew a question but I was already going to study it anyway.

Ahh well.

I guess this is what most students miss. The surprise of finding out what the questions are. Even if you don't know the answers.

Ahh well.

Parliament is fun.



hwei said...


And what's with the HOHOHO. LOLS.

saun said...

Cuz I could do parliament. It was easy as saying 1,2,3 backwards. I was worried i would have nothing to do during the paper