Friday, April 23, 2010


It's always good to know someone didn't bribe the invigilator during the driving test to pass. Moreover if that someone is a non-Christian.

My sis said,

"It's during times like this that our moral standards are tested. If we only apply them when times are easy then we're not very different from the rest of the world are we?" Ya I know, very un-lawly.

As a Christian, there really isn't much option to choose except to just go for the test cleanly and knowing a fail is a possibility. But seeing non-Christians taking the same stand makes it all the more worth it to do so, even if it's only one person.

I choose to stand out! Vote for ACCA right now!

It's just my stand. Don't get me wrong as condemning anybody and then bombard me left, right, centre, diagonal, and vertical alright?

Oh, and ya. A shout-out to my sisters and others who did not bribe the invigilator to pass. It has encouraged me to do the same too. Thanks a lot for choosing to stand out!


Esther said...

Good boy! God is proud of you! :P

Shuen said...

Oh ya babeh!

That's the way.

Stand out!

Me-lvin said...

I also didnt bribe. Fail once :)

mau said...

yeah yeah... like wat we have learnt today. We do things, God's way. = ]

I'm not super proud that I pass actually. But I thank God that the examiner was on my side. = D

May u do well tmw as well!! All the Very BEST!!! = D you can do it, saun!! = D

saun said...

hah boy? thanks!

babeh as in babi or baby? Yep, stand out!

Haha well done Lourdes! it's not bout passing but what we do before we pass!

Haha thanks Adrian. Paying attention in class, baik baik!