Friday, January 19, 2007

To smoke or not to smoke

Had science class with Aunty Grace teaching me...Sien wei everytime her class I must know all answers to all questions so that I can answer when she call me..confirm call wan..Anyway she was teaching the class on smoking, saying how bad it is to smoke, showed the effects and the colour of your lungs when you smoke and the girls were yerh-ing and the guys staring into space. Then, Aunty Grace said something to get me thinking.

She said that we, non-smokers, are actually passive smokers. Means we still breathe in the smoke led out by the smokers. She also said that we inhale much much more because apparently the smokers when they suck in the cigarette smoke, got something that stops a certain amount of smoke but the non-smokers will inhale everything.

So, if what she said is true, then better to smoke right because non-smokers inhale more than smokers.AIKS terkejut!?!?!But before you start going to 24-hour shop to buy cigarettes, think 1st laa.We are not living in an environment FULL of smokers and also I don't think any of us wants to look like this.

Don't smoke also got good effects wan...You see the guy never smoke hor,more handsome and the hair in his hands very healthy leh!!

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