Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Difference...

Between how a top-scorer and normal student react when getting an 'E' in a subject.

Top-Scorer - "I see my report card hor, A, A, A, A, then suddenly one 'E' leh! So ugly!

Normal - "Hey, look! I got a Royal Flush! A, B, C, D, E!

Royal Flush is where you get 5 cards with same
shape and increasing number. E.g, Spades 1,2,3,4,5.


mau said...

hmmm... i think i do get some royal flushes at times also.. hahaha... it's good in a way but bad in another way... hahaha

saun said...

Heh.. good in chor tai ti, bad in studies?

cluelessfreak said...

hahaha....well, at least there's a A. instead of BBBBB CCCCC

saun said...

heh.. dat's consistency!